Comicx, rants and other things from the Blue Girl sólo imaginarme el pene de un pene...
hehehe dick johnson is getting hard with all this nice comments!! n_n
I know u are so busy, but i wat MOREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Ahja ja ja. Así son esas cabezas! Un abrazo
Aint too hard to inheritthe Kingdom of God Upstairs;all we need to do is 2 things:honor/respect God -AND-feed the 'poor' whetherit be literally and/or spiritually.How easy is that???Meet me someday in the Great Beyond.Let's gitta BIG-OL-BEER to celebrate.Gotta lotta tok about...Dijoo know I. Love. You?-Catalyst4Christ
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de sólo imaginarme el pene de un pene...
hehehe dick johnson is getting hard with all this nice comments!! n_n
I know u are so busy, but i wat MOREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Ahja ja ja. Así son esas cabezas! Un abrazo
Aint too hard to inherit
the Kingdom of God Upstairs;
all we need to do is 2 things:
honor/respect God -AND-
feed the 'poor' whether
it be literally and/or spiritually.
How easy is that???
Meet me someday in the Great Beyond.
Let's gitta BIG-OL-BEER to celebrate.
Gotta lotta tok about...
Dijoo know I. Love. You?
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